These are some of the most common questions we receive from homeowners about lawn care and landscaping. Don't see an answer to your question? Feel free to reach out to us via email, and we will try to get you an answer.
How High Should I cut my grass?
Cool-Season Grasses
- Fine fescue: 1.5 to 4 inches.
- Kentucky bluegrass: 1 to 3.5 inches.
- Perennial ryegrass: 0.75 to 2.5 inches.
- Tall fescue: 1.5 to 4 inches.
Do I need Landscape FaBric Before Mulching?
Landscaping fabric should be used if you are putting down non-organic mulch such as stones or gravel. Landscaping fabric shouldn't be used under organic mulch such as wood-based mulches because they decompose and create a compost layer on top of the fabric.
DO i need to mow my grass every week?
YES. Mowing once a week is recommended. The more time between each mowing the better chance weeds will take hold. Also, regular mowing will keep your grass growing healthy and thick.
How do i control weeds in my yard?
Their are two types of weeds in yards; broadleaf (ex. dandelions) and grassy weeds (ex. crabgrass). Many weed control products are available at home improvement stores, however, it is best to consult a professional when it comes to weed control.
Should my soil be tested?
Having a soil test done each year can help determine exactly what levels of fertilizer are required to get a lush, healthy yard. Also, soil test results save you time and money by only applying exactly the right amount of fertilizer.
When and why should i aerate and overseed my lawn?
You want to aerate and overseed when your lawn is growing the best to help it recover quickly, This means early spring or fall. We suggest overseeding in the fall if possible. To learn more, check out our aeration article All About Aerating Your Lawn This Fall.
When Should i dethatch my yard?
You want to dethatch when your lawn is growing the best to help it recover quickly. This means early spring or fall is the best times for this.
What is the best way to control weeds in flowerbeds?
There is no perfect answer to this question. We suggest adding a preemergent (preen) or treflan to your flowerbeds in early spring before the weeds start germinating.
Why should you use compost when you aerate your lawn?
Adding compost, or top dressing your lawn, when aerating adds additional nutrients and creates healthier root systems when combined with aeration.
Why is Aerating My Lawn So IMportant?
We have 5 reasons why aerating your lawn is important to maintain its health in our article titled "Fall Lawn Aeration | Stop Your Lawn from Suffocating."
How should I water my lawn in summer?
We put together 8 of the best practices for lawn watering in the summer. This article goes over everything you need to know to keep your lawn watered during the hot summer days.
Helpful Articles for Better Lawn Care
Looking for more lawn care tips?
We have a complete library of articles with topics in lawn care, landscaping, mulching, and even snow removal. Our team is always adding new content so check back often if you have a question about your property.
Great lawn care starts with us. Reach out today to discuss our services and how we can help your home or business.